Leadership & Personality Development

If you can manage the world inside you; Then you can manage the world outside you.

Lt Col Ganesh Babu

30 yrs Military Experience – SML/ Psych Test & GTO

Lt Col C Ganesh Babu (Retd) has served in the Army for 30 years and has taken voluntary retirement on 10 Feb 2014. Subsequently, the officer started his own training & consultancy services by the name Academy for Life Skills Development in Pune and conducts regularly a program called Self-Management Leadership (SML) besides many others.

About Course

Our mind is like a wild horse and it needs to be tamed. A distracted mind Can never concentrate and focus accurately. Lack of attention, distractions, laziness & procrastination, seeking pleasure-seeking activities instead of focusing on the goal, giving up tendencies, looking for shortcuts, and fear of failure is an indicator of a restless & distracted mind.The course, Management Information System (MIS) of the Self will give a clear understanding of the inner processes, the nature and role of the mind, the nature and role of intellect and the nature and role of the sub-conscious mind. This program is used in the concept of Meta-Cognition i.e Thinking About Thinking which is also referred to as Higher Order Thinking. This Program will help leaners to harness the power of the mind, thus to lead a Happy successful life.

Learn Leadership with Structured Batches

Professional Highlights

Rose from a soldier to an Officer (Lt Col)

from 12th Drop Out to a Group Testing Officer (GTO) in 21 SSB, Bhopal & 11 SSB, Allahabad.

Had done a Research on Deficiency of Officers' in the Indian Armed Forces by the name Perception Management of Candidates for Improved Selection, which is appreciated by Director DIPR and runs a SSB Guidance Program by the name Armed Forces Officers' Selection Program (AFOSOP)

Self-Management Leadership (SML) is run in many Schools & Colleges.

What Will You Learn?

  • Self-Management Leadership

  • Know Stress for No Stress

  • Positive Health Technology

  • Life Skill Development

  • Values for Leadership Excellence

  • Harmony in Office Relationship

  • Effective & Congruent Communication
  • Spiritual Identity of the Self

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